
We are not Alone


Some say it’s obvious we’re not alone, others scorn the very idea and still others yet will hauntingly report their own experiences of alien probings following their casual night-time stroll through the fields of small town America. But with everything from increasingly bizarre reportings from increasingly credible sources, to basic mathematical probability suggesting the likelihood of alien life, these days, scepticism is harder won. Whatever your opinions, you may well find that the following
examples have some impact on them. 
It’s easy enough to write off much recent phenomena, quoting anything from wayward weather balloons to the perpetuation of the legend and UFO sightings in pop culture providing a cohesive image of extra terrestrials for eye witnesses to draw on should someone cry alien. But what’s slightly harder to dismiss is the ancient evidence (i.e. pre the National Enquirer). Enter the ‘The Madonna with Saint Giovannino’, otherwise known as the UFO painting.Created in the 15th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary and in the backdrop of the painting, a man and his dog staring up at a hovering disk-like object that is suspiciously familiar. And this painting isn’t alone either, with everything from ancient cave paintings to Sanskrit Scrolls all depicting alien life. A sighting even crops up in the Bible in The Book of Ezekiel. Either this is compelling evidence, or humanity has a rich tradition of conspiracy theorists.

Created in the 15th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary and in the backdrop of the painting, a man and his dog staring up at a hovering disk-like object that is suspiciously familiar. And this painting isn’t alone either, with everything from ancient cave paintings to Sanskrit Scrolls all depicting alien life. A sighting even crops up in the Bible in The Book of Ezekiel. Either this is compelling evidence, or humanity has a rich tradition of conspiracy theorists.

In the ancient city of Paracas, Peru, archeologists have uncovered mummified remains with elongated skulls dating back to 300 BC.
  Statistical data 

Back in 1961, astronomer Frank Drake devised an equation by which he could estimate the likelihood of the existence of alien life, taking into account a number of factors including the average number of planets able to support life and the fraction that could go on to support intelligent life. This was then implemented in 2001. The result: statistically, hundreds of thousands of such planets should technically exist. 

Unsolved sightings

There are more registered sightings of UFOs than there is the word count here to deal with them and the majority of the time, there’s a thorough debunking accompanying them. But throughout history there have been a number that have been harder to explain away, from the to 1853 sighting by a number of students and professors at the Tennessee College campus, to the oft quoted Stephenville Lights case from 2008, with over 200 witnesses spotting the UFO including three policemen who remained anonymous. Consider these compelling cases unsolved.
Astronauts’ claims 

If you’re going to believe any reports of UFOs, you might as well trust those coming from the men who have actually been to space (who usually also come with all their teeth and a P.H.D.). The list of those who have made claims of sightings includes Edgar Mitchell, Cady Coleman and Dr. Brian O’Leary, many also referencing government knowledge of alien existence and cover-ups. Buzz Aldrin has also spoken of his own experience on board the Apollo 11 when they saw something flying alongside them. At first they thought it was the final stage of the detached rocket, until mission control confirmed it was 6000 miles away from them…

   Government files 

While some US presidents have released classified files on the subject of UFOs, with Jimmy Carter famously describing his own encounter, others still have been denied access to classified information on the subject altogether, Bill Clinton claiming to be among them. This has led many believers to suggest there’s a cover up afoot. Clinton has been consistently vocal on the existence of aliens and it’s worth noting his opinions on an ‘Independence Day’ situation too. You know, just in case…



Aliens Exist And Will Be Found Pretty Soon, Say Scientists 

It used to be that if you asked an astronomer if there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, you’d get some sort of hedged response involving the vastness of the universe and statistical probabilities that you’d expect from a diligent scientist.I’ve asked this question recently of a few astronomers from NASA, and also from the massive Keck observatory in Hawaii, and I’ve received a version of that same old response, but with a new preface that has become more common in recent years. It’s usually something like: “Well, we might be able to answer that question relatively soon.”

This past week, a few scientists took it a step further and gave the U.S. Congress a relative date by which they expect we’ll have discovered signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.“It is not hyperbolic to suggest that scientists could very well discover extraterrestrial intelligence within two decades’ time or less, given resources to conduct the search,” Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, said in testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.So there you have it. Aliens by 2034. That’s actually a few decades ahead of the date of first contact in the fictional “Star Trek” series — April 5, 2063.It is worth noting that in the last decade, Shostak was floating the date 2025 as a likely end to our apparent cosmic isolation, and as recently as February he was talking about a date “two dozen years out.” So, clearly Shostak isn’t trying to win any bets by calling the specific date we find E.T., but rather the point is that the current rate of technological advancement makes it likely that we’ll be able to find that evidence within a single generation.Much of the credit for this level of confidence among Astrobiologists like Shostak can be credited to discoveries made by the latest generation of telescopes, perhaps most notably the Kepler planet-hunting space telescope, which continues to deliver a steady stream of of revelations about just how common not only distant planets, but potential Earth analogs are in far-off solar systems.“Recent analyses of Kepler data suggest that as many as one star in five will have a habitable, Earth-size planet in orbit around it,” Shostak told the lawmakers. “This number could be too large by perhaps a factor of two or three, but even so it implies that the Milky Way is home to 10 to 80 billion cousins of Earth.”

Of course, even the nearest of these Earth cousins will remain much too distant for us to visit in person for the foreseeable future, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to scan the heavens for evidence that alien civilizations exist beyond our own rock, locked to our own star as it is. Shostak’s favored method of searching for extra-terrestrial life (SETI) is to keep a giant digital ear to the sky for alien radio transmissions, but these efforts have never been fully funded to the level necessary to do the comprehensive search required to find the proverbial E.T. needle in the massive haystack that is the universe.Shostak hopes that by investing in SETI now, we will be able to take advantage of our dramatically increased computing power to tune into a very distant talk show or whatever it is that aliens might have broadcast at one point. And while he didn’t mention them during what was essentially a pitch for funding for radio SETI, there are other projects coming up that will surely help bolster the search and perhaps even Shostak’s timeline for that existential discovery.Kepler and the other leading telescopes that have greatly contributed to our relatively new understanding of how plentiful planets are throughout the universe are nearing the end of their usefulness. The next several years will see the debut of many next generation telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope and huge terrestrial ‘scopes in Hawaii, Chile and elsewhere that will complement the search, making it all the more likely that we really will be able to say relatively soon that we are not alone.



In their hunt for extraterrestrial life, scientists are monitoring radio waves, probing Mars and even looking for clues right here on Earth.

Ancient Aliens examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth: from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day US, ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, an asphalt-like substance in an Egyptian pyramid made from the remains of unidentified creatures, continued mass sightings
Stories of strange encounters accompany many of history’s major events. Is it merely coincidence? Or might it be evidence of extraterrestrial intervention? In ancient myths from cultures around the globe.

There have been 1,177 UFO sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) so far this year, 353 of them in March, according to a recent announcement.


UFO means an unidentified flying object seen in the sky.










Ufos and Aliens




The Oxford English Dictionary defines a UFO as "An unidentified flying object; a ‘flying saucer’." The word was first used in print by Donald Keyhoe in 1953 .

Aliens and UFO's seem to have been around since the dawn of time and very little mainstream research has been done to help prove or even disprove the existence of extraterrestrials visiting our planet.

Area 51 is a military base, and a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base. It is located in the southern portion of Nevada in the western United States, 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of Las Vegas.

TOP SECRET military group called into action by United States presidential order to investigate and conceal real alien and UFO encounters. Written by Jim Marrs, New York Times best-selling author of Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy.

There are various multiverse hypotheses, in which physicists have suggested that the Universe might be one among many universes that likewise exist. The farthest distance that it is theoretically possible for humans to see.

The files contained on this page are some of the best known cases of alien abduction. It is by no means complete. There remains a large number of reports still being researched, and many cases of abduction never reported.

This site is dedicated to displaying the GIFS and ANIMATIONS I have found,and have created on my own website, or that I have modified using other freely distributed art  ,and to share with website builders.

This site is dedicated to displaying Space Background Picture I have found, and have created on my own website, or that I have modified using other freely distributed art  ,and to share with website builders.

Here you will find Quotes and ? ,About Ufos and Aliens ,thie is our Umfage and Poll site.If you like you can visit this page ,and see how many people around the world does believe in Aliens and Ufos.

Three giant alien spaceships are again heading for Earth!  Scientists predict the new ships will arrive in November of  2013.UFO encounters continue to increase as documented on WWN. And today scientists at SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence,an independent non-commercial organization, made a major announcement.


The Roswell UFO incident, also known as Roswell, was a report of an object that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947, allegedly an extra terrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants. Since the late 1970s the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and several conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object that crashed.

On Ufo Gallery you can find alot of pictures of Ufos,Planets ,Aliens and many other pictures you can use for your Website.

 Ufo Stalker

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