1896 Attempted Abduction; Lodi, CA
1930s Alien Picture from Alaska
1939 Alien Bodies Confirmed (Cordell Hull)
1941 Missouri Crash & Retrieval
1947 Wright Field Circular Craft Two Creatures
1947 Malta, Alien Entities Seen on Watercraft
1947 The Roswell, New Mexico Crash
1948 Alien Contact Case from Turkey
1950 Alien Encounter at Varese, Italy
1950 Dr. Botta Enters Flying Saucer
1952 Maryland-UFO seen with Occupant
1952-Kansas, UFO with Occupants
1953 The Arizona UFO Crash
1954 UFO Landing in France / Occupants
1954 Brazil, Occupant Fills Tube with Water
1955 Kelly-Hopkinsville Alien Encounter
1957 Villas-Boas Encounter
1957 Old-Saybrook, CT, UFO/Occupants
1959 The Papua, New Guinea Sightings
1961 Betty and Barney Hill Abduction
1964 Socorro, New Mexico (Zamora)
1964 UFO Landing, New York (Wilcox)
1964 Alien Encounter at Cisco County
1965 UFO & Occupants, Virginia
1965 Valensole, France Landing (Masse)
1967 The Betty Andreasson Abduction
1967 UFO with Occupants, Ohio
1967 UFO with Occupant, Idaho
1967 Patrolman Herbert Schirmer Abducted
1967 Idaho, UFO with Occupants
1968 Buff Ledge Camp Abductions
1968 Lakeland, Florida Alien Encounter
1968 Hanbury, U K Entities in UFO Dome
1969 Voronov, Russia, ET Takes Water from River
1969 Brazil: Abduction of José Antonio da Silva
1970 Cowichan District Hospital Sighting
1971 Holloman AFB UFO Landing Film
1972 UFO Lands in Nazca / Occupants
1972 Isla del Lobos Encounter
1973 The Judy Doraty Abduction
1973 The Alabama Tin Foil Alien
1973 Pascagoula, Mississippi Abduction
1973 Lyndia Morel UFO Encounter
1975 Long Term Relationship with Alien
1975 The Billy Meier Videos
1975 Sergeant Charles L. Moody Abduction
1975 The Travis Walton Abduction
1976 The Stanford, Kentucky Abductions
1976 The Canary Island Alien Sphere
1976 The Allagash Waterway Abductions
1977 UFO Incident at Alsworth AFB
1978 Alien Shot Dead Ft. Dix / McGuire AFB
1978 Brazil, Aliens Extract Water from Sea
1978 Motorist Sees Humanoid / UFO
1979 Shape Shifting Men in Black
1980 Bentwaters-Woodbridge (Rendlesham)
1981 The Lintel Lake Incident
1983 The Copely Woods Encounter
1985 Alien Abduction in Poland
1985 Canadian Man Encounters Craft / Occupants
1985 Abduction of Whitley Strieber
1987 Hudson Valley Abduction
1987 The Christa Tilton Abduction
1987 North Canol Road Abduction
1987 The Gulf Breeze Sightings (Walters)
1987 The Ilkley Moor Alien
1988 John Salter and Son Abduction
1988 DNA Sample / Khoury Abduction
1989 The Voronezh, Russia Aliens
1989 Linda Cortile-Napolitano Abduction
1989 Truck Drivers See Landed Craft / Aliens
1990 Abduction in Westchester, N. Y.
1993 The Kelly Cahill Abduction
1996 The Varginha, Brazil Entity
1997 Alien Abduction in Wales
1999 Aliens Photographed in London
1999 Alien Abduction in Illinois
2001 Brazil, UFO / Alien Seen
2003 Alien Encounter at Long Bridge, U K
2005 Alien Photographed in Arctic
2009 Possible Humanoid Encountered in Oregon
2010 Indiana Man Claims Possible Alien Gray Sighting
2011 Man Claims Alien Encounter in South Dakota
2012 Report of Alien Encounter in Italy